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Harnessing the Power of the Waning Moon: Rituals, Practices and Spiritual Insights

Moon phases play a major role in the cycles of nature and our inner world. Many cultures and spiritual practitioners harness this power by performing special rituals according to the specific moon phase.

The waning moon and its phases can benefit our spiritual growth if we learn how to work with these energies properly.

This article will delve into the power of the waning moon, rituals and practices to apply during these moments of the moon cycle, and how to work with each of the waning moon phases.

What is the Waning Moon?

The waning moon is a moon phase that lasts approximately two weeks during each moon cycle. It occurs just after the full moon when the visible part of the Moon starts to decrease to our eyes.

The waning moon encompasses many phases, including the waning gibbous, the last quarter, and the waning crescent. Although they share the same energy of the waning moon, each has a unique vibration that makes them suitable for specific practices.

This phase reminds us of a fourth aspect of the Moon Goddess, the Enchantress, The Wise Elderess Archetype. 

What does the Waning Moon Symbolize?

The waning moon represents a reflective part of the moon cycle, where the energy starts to turn inwards. We feel more introverted than usual, our energies decrease, and we may be less productive. However, we may also feel more introspective, with our intuition receiving a little boost.

It is an excellent time for self-reflection, releasing old patterns, and cleansing our energies to welcome the next cycle. 

Waning Moon Rituals and Practices

The waning moon has a special energy that is beneficial to explore our inner worlds. We can use specific practices and rituals to vibrate with the frequency of this part of the cycle.

Cleansing Rituals

While the waxing moon invites us to charge from positive energies and harmonies to work towards our goals, the waning moon is perfect for energy cleansing and renovation.

There are numerous ways to cleanse yourself of negative energies accumulated during the past month.

For instance, you may smoke-cleanse yourself and your living space using a mix of dry herbs. Consider using sage, rosemary, wormwood, Peruvian ragweed, and rue. Place a small piece on a burning charcoal briquette inside a heatproof container and then apply a pinch of the dry herbs for an energetic cleanse. 

Similarly, you can perform a herbal cleansing bath with this mix. Boil some water, and let the mixture infuse for some minutes. After you shower, apply the infusion and feel how it cleanses your aura. Make sure it is safe to use and not too hot.

Letting Go of the Past

The waning moon also promotes self-reflection and the release of what no longer serves you. To achieve this, you can practice meditation to visualize the past month and what you wish to change in yourself and your environment.

Once you understand the negative patterns you need to change, write them down on paper, light a candle, and burn the paper. Imagine how the fire transforms and transmutes those patterns into positive change. Then, work actively on self-improvement and stay accountable for these goals.

If you are into journaling, write down the things you wish to change in yourself and use the journal to keep track of them. 


During the waning moon, search for moments of silence when you are not performing any specific ritual but instead become fully present. Reflect on the miracle of life and the beauty of the present moment.

Listen to inspiring music (try classical music, Tibetan bowls, Hindu chants, etc), observe nature, and engage in your senses.

Physical Release

The waning moon is also perfect for a physical cleanse. It is an excellent time to deep-clean your house, declutter, and let go of anything that doesn’t spark joy.

Check anything you are accumulating in your living space, re-organize, re-purpose, and donate or recycle the things you no longer need.


The waxing moon invites productivity, but the waning moon asks us to rest. Feel comfortable when allowing yourself to pause, release any shame, and do not permit yourself to think that you are lazy for resting. 

Even if you have a 9 to 5 job, you still can have time to rest. Make the most of the moments you have to pause and avoid distractions like social media, TV shows, calls, or the constant thoughts about the next task. Instead, disconnect yourself completely, even if it is only for 5 minutes. This will allow you to rest not only physically but also mentally.

And when you have the time, do not feel guilty for not going out with your friends or avoiding other tasks. Instead, take a restful sleep and recharge the batteries for the following weeks. 

Spiritual Practices

Although spiritual practices are essential during the whole cycle, the waning moon can be even more beneficial since it turns the energy towards our inner world. Set up your altar or sacred space, meditate, chant mantras, or do any spiritual practices that resonate with your beliefs.

Focus your spiritual practice on studying your subconscious pattern, negative thoughts, emotions, etc. Use spirituality as a source of inspiration for growth and get closer to your Higher Self. Spiritual practices and rituals can promote intuition and connection with your Divine wisdom. 

How to Work with Each Waning Moon Phase

Although the waning moon has an overall energy of introspection and quietness, each aspect of this phase has a unique vibration and specific ways to harness that power.

Waning Gibbous

The waning gibbous occurs after the Full moon when the moon is between 99% and 50% illuminated. The moon is almost full, and we may not feel the energy of stillness. Nevertheless, it is a perfect moment for cleansing rituals that require more activity, like deep cleaning our living spaces and performing energetic cleanses. 

Last Quarter

The last quarter occurs when the waning moon is 50% illuminated. During the half of the waning moon, we can engage in spiritual practices to connect with our inner world—meditation, prayer, chanting, etc.

It is also an excellent moment for emotional release. Visit a forest and let nature cleanse you from stagnant energies. Similarly, you can channel pent-up emotions through Yoga and breathwork.

Waning Crescent

This moon phase is close to the new Moon since it is between 50% and 0% illuminated.

Spiritual practitioners may harness this phase by preparing their intentions for the next cycle. Engage in self-reflection, imagination, and connection to your creative power to understand what you want to manifest. 

Moreover, rest is also beneficial during this moon phase. Self-care rituals like relaxing baths, long naps, and spending time in natural places can be rejuvenating and prepare you for a productive and passionate waxing moon.

Final Thoughts

The waning moon differs from other parts of the cycle due to its energy of introspection, spiritual release, and self-reflection. After the activity brought by the waxing phase, the waning moon requests us to rest, recharge, and release old patterns.

Life is full of cycles, and the moon phases resonate with the natural rhythms. Once we learn connect with these cycles, life becomes more meaningful and filled with intention. We feel more balanced and connected to the Universe.